
Microsoft Way

Quick Links

  • If you’re looking for a new account start here.
  • If you have questions, please start with the FAQ.
  • Server & service status information is here.
  • 2025 Server Move status is here.


There’s a Facebook group named “exmsft.com” to provide a channel for status information and discussions: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=132850970835. After your exmsft.com account has been created I recommend you drop info<at>exmsft.com a line so join that group as a great place to find the most up-to-date status.

Why exmsft.com exists

The primary goal of exmsft.com is to provide a permanent and “discoverable” email address for ex-Microsoft employees based on their old @microsoft.com email alias.

This site is in no way associated with Microsoft, other than the amazing coincidence of all users having had Microsoft as common past employer.  For that matter, just because someone has an email account on this system does not guarantee that they were actually employees of Microsoft. If you wish to verify employment history, contact Microsoft directly.

Leo Notenboom
exmsft.com caretaker