Terms of service

Updated: 2023-07-27.
exmsft.com is a free service to ex-Microsoft employees.
As such there’s no guarantee of uptime, support, and so on. That’s not to say we don’t make our best efforts, we absolutely do – but we just can’t guarantee anything. 🙂
In the spirit of full disclosure, I’d recommend you have a look at this article I wrote some time ago:Â 7 Things Your Sysadmin Probably Won’t Tell You. This is true for every email account you’ve ever had, I’m just being honest & open about it.
By using this service you’re agreeing that the service provider is promising nothing and is not liable for anything should anything untoward ever happen as a result of using or otherwise related to exmsft.com. It’s free, and I gotta cover my … assets.
Because of the server-wide impact, there’s a zero-tolerance one-strike policy for accounts caught sending spam for any reason. The account will be immediately disabled, and then removed. If that happens to you, you can appeal, of course, but I can’t guarantee you’ll get your account back. The negative impact on the entire server and all users on it is simply too high.
Storage limits
Each account is allocated 100MB of storage for email. You’ll be sent a series of automated warnings if your account approaches that limit. Pay attention to those warnings. If your account reaches 95% of storage or more, the following will happen:
- If the server logs show you have not been checking email in the last few days (typically 3-5 days), the account will be assumed to have been abandoned, and thus removed.
- If the overage appears to be primarily due to an accumulation of spam (i.e. out of your control), we may relax the quota some.
- Your account will be disabled, but not removed. You’ll be unable to send email, check for email, or receive email. (Typically the first sign of this is that whatever method you’re using to check email will begin to fail. Pay attention to that.)
- If, after disabling the account, I don’t hear from you via other means, at some point (days or weeks, depending) the account will be removed and everything in it deleted.
Account Inactivity
Inactive accounts are typically ignored until they accumulate enough mail to approach or exceed storage quota. Then actions as described above will take place.