If you’re wondering if exmsft.com had been having problems, you’re quite correct – it was. Emphasis on “was”. In the first half of March 2012 the original exmsft.com had a major and terminal meltdown. This is the completely new exmsft.com server, and at the same time a new volunteer owner: Leo Notenboom. As a result […]
Changing your POP login password and Webmail
Usermin The server has a per-user interface that will allow you to check email and perform other tasks, called “usermin“. https://exmsft.com:20000/ Sign in with your existing exmsft account email address and password. Once in you’ll get a pretty standard webmail interface. (On occasion I’ve had to click on the “Inbox” when it appears to get […]
POP3/SMTP account configuration
Follow these instructions carefully. They are not the default as recommended or pre-filled in by many email programs or services. These are the settings used for POP3 email accounts on exmsft.com. Mail Server Username: XXXX@exmsft.com – your full email address. Incoming Mail Server: exmsft.com port 110 (POP3) Outgoing Mail Server: exmsft.com (server requires authentication, but not SPA) port […]
exmsft.com Terms and Policies
Terms of service Updated: 2023-07-27. exmsft.com is a free service to ex-Microsoft employees. As such there’s no guarantee of uptime, support, and so on. That’s not to say we don’t make our best efforts, we absolutely do – but we just can’t guarantee anything. 🙂 In the spirit of full disclosure, I’d recommend you have […]